Skype for Business | Hieroglyphics font display on receiving IM message in Japanese with Skype for business 2016 + Windows10

In English windows 10 OS with Skype  2016, some Japanese font happens to turn to white box like hieroglyphics strings.
Windows Enterpriseの英語環境のSkype2016で日本語でIMをやり取りすると日本語がすべて四角い文字に変換されて会話が成立しなくなるという事象について、です。

Skype 2016 seems to refer the fonts in windows OS even if you choose the default fonts in Setting in Skype for business. It happens when your computer does not have Japanese fonts of which the sender use on Skype.

There are three ways for this solutions.

You are required to install Japanese supplemental fonts.
Before you install it, Japanese language pack and basic

Solution 1
According to Microsoft, you can install the essential fonts for this issue if your Computer is allowed to apply the font via Microsoft directly. If the machine is a company own, it might not be able to do this because of their security or something IT policies. In this case, please go Solution 2.
Any of these optional font packages can also be installed manually by any user in Settings. One package is not 
triggered automatically but can be added by enabling it in Settings. To add font packages manually, go to Settings > System > Installed apps > Manage optional features.

Script and Font Support in Windows

Solution 2
Contact your IT team and ask whether they could install Japanese fonts, and supplemental fonts etc.
If you just want to see japanese text on Skype shortly, changing the default font on Skype for business would be the best workaround. Please refer to Solution 3.

STEP1) Download Japanese Supplemental Font and related language files from Microsoft, and save them in local disk. ( e.g. c:\temp)

STEP2) Run Command prompt as Administrator

STEP3) Type the following command to install JP fonts.
Basic> dism /online /add-package /packagepath:c:\temp\
Fonts> dism /online /add-package /packagepath:c:\temp\

STEP4) Check JP font install by the following command.
dism /online /get-capabilities
You will see "CapabilityName:Language.Fonts.Jpan~~~und-JPAN~" if the supplimenta font pack installed on it.

Install order
Language pack :

Solution 3

If you are urgent to read Japanese text on IM, try if Skype for business displays Japanese fonts which your computer already have. MS gohic or MS Mincho is one of the options I think.
To check the fonts in your computer,

Start | Type "Control Panel" then open "Fonts" (View by : Small icons)

Reference for English speaker

On non JP windows10 OS, some applications might not display Japanese properly.
